The Faculty of Medicine, as the managing unit of study programs, was established in 1962 with an initial focus on medical education. Over time, based on feasibility studies and community needs, the faculty expanded by adding new study programs. Currently, the Faculty of Medicine offers one Doctoral Program, three Master's Programs, seventeen Specialist 1 Programs, and six Undergraduate Programs, including the Bachelor of Nursing and Professional Ners Education Program (Nursing Program) at Udayana University (Unud).
The idea of establishing the Nursing Program, initially known as the Nursing Science Study Program (PSIK), began to take shape in Bali in 1997. At that time, PSIK was established at several public universities under the Faculty of Medicine. However, due to a shortage of qualified nursing lecturers in Bali, the plan to open a D.IV Nursing Program could not be realized. In 2002, with the emergence of Master's degree graduates in Nursing and increasing demand from hospitals and D.III Nursing graduates, preliminary steps for establishing the Nursing Education Program began through consultations with the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Unud.
This plan gained momentum with support from various stakeholders. The President Director of Sanglah General Hospital and the Head of the Bali Provincial Health Office provided positive responses and strong support, as conveyed during a coordination meeting on June 26, 2005. Similar support was also received from the Governor of Bali, who emphasized the importance of bachelor-level nursing education in Bali. Moreover, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine presented the plan during the Leadership Meeting at Unud in July 2005, where constructive input and positive responses were received from university leaders.
The World Health Organization (WHO), through its representative in Indonesia, Mr. Georg Patterson, also supported this initiative, particularly in staff development and curriculum design. Support from the Indonesian Minister of Health, the Rector of Unud, the Head of the Bali Provincial Health Office, the President Director of Sanglah General Hospital, and the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine served as a crucial foundation for the establishment of the Nursing Program.
Following the proposal development, coordination was conducted with the Association of Indonesian Ners Education Institutions (AIPPNI) in Jakarta. Based on recommendations from the Rector of Unud and the Head of the Bali Provincial Health Office, a special visitation for guidance by the Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI) was carried out on March 23, 2006. The recommendations from the PPNI and the Head of the Ministry of Health's Human Resources Development Agency resulted in the issuance of the Decree of the Director-General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education, Number: 2682/D/T/2006, dated July 12, 2006, granting permission to establish the Bachelor of Nursing and Professional Ners Education Program at Udayana University. This permit has been periodically renewed, and in 2019, the Nursing Program achieved the "Excellent" accreditation status based on Decree Number: 0192/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Pro/X/2020.
Menjadi pusat pendidikan keperawatan yang menghasilkan lulusan unggul, mandiri, dan berbudaya serta mempunyai daya saing di tingkat regional, nasional, dan global tahun 2025. Visi tersebut dapat diuraikan sebagai berikut:
- Unggul: bermakna lulusan mempunyai kelebihan dalam bidang keperawatan pariwisata khususnya pada health promotion yang bersifat kompetitif, dan inovatif di tingkat lokal, nasional, dan internasional serta berkontribusi nyata terhadap pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, serta pembangunan masyarakat.
- Mandiri: bermakna memiliki kemampuan kepemimpinan dan kewirausahaan dalam mengelola sumber daya keperawatan dan sumber daya lain secara optimal untuk menghasilkan inovasi yang bermanfaat bagi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan kesejahteraan umat manusia.
- Berbudaya: bermakna menjunjung tinggi budaya akademik berlandaskan nilai-nilai luhur Pancasila dan kearifan lokal yang bersifat universal untuk berinteraksi di masyarakat dengan mengedepankan kejujuran dan keselarasan antara pikiran, perkataan dan perbuatan yang baik.
- Menyiapkan peserta didik agar menjadi lulusan yang profesional, berintegritas dan memiliki etika/moral/akhlak dalam melayani masyarakat lokal, nasional, global, dan komunitas wisatawan.
- Menyelenggarakan sistem pendidikan yang terintegrasi berbasis riset, budaya, sistem informasi dan teknologi dengan mengacu pada standar pendidikan tinggi nasional keperawatan.
- Mengembangkan penelitian serta menghasilkan karya inovatif dan prospektif di bidang keperawatan.
- Menerapkan upaya promotif, preventif, kuratif dan rehabilitatif terhadap masalah kesehatan dengan pendekatan keperawatan berbasis bukti ilmiah, kearifan lokal, dan pemberdayaan masyarakat.
- Melakukan kerjasama dengan lembaga pendidikan, penelitian, dan pelayanan keperawatan berskala lokal, nasional, dan global.

Jabatan : Koordinator Program Studi
NIP : 197909262008122001
Nama Pejabat : Dr. Ns. Ni Ketut Guru Prapti, S.Kep., MNS
Periode Awal : 2022-01-19
Periode Akhir : 2026-01-19
Website :

Jabatan : Sekretaris Jurusan/Program Studi
NIP : 198308102008122002
Nama Pejabat : Dr. Ns. Ika Widi Astuti, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.Mat
Periode Awal : 2022-05-01
Periode Akhir : 2026-05-01
Website :
Address : Jln. PB Sudirman 80232 Denpasar
Telephone : 0361 - 222510
Email : psikfkunud@yahoo.com
Website : https://fk.unud.ac.id/?page_id=44