History of Establishment
The Development of Agricultural Technology science in Udayana University was started in 1962 by Department of Livestock Produce Technology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry (FKHP) which is now known as Faculty of Animal Husbandry (FAPET). Then since 1967, Agricultural Produce Technology study is managed by Faculty of Agriculture (FP) of Udayana University.
After studying the rapid development of needs for technological development in agricultural sector in general and the development of science and technology in the field of agricultural technology in several national and international universities, Udayana University (UNUD) by the Decree of Rector No.485/SK/PT.17/R-VII.1983 formed a new study program, which was Agricultural Technology Study Program (PSTP) to carry out undergraduate (S-1) education. Based on the results of academic and administrative feasibility assessments of the establishment of Agricultural Technology PS. Proposed by Udayana University, in 1984 PSTP received establishment and operational permits from Directorate of Higher Education (DIKTI) in the Decree of Director General of Higher Education of Department of Education and Culture of RI No.55/DIKTI/Kep/1984 so it’s allowed to admit new students since then.
In the beginning of the establishment of PSTP, the education curriculum was characterized by agricultural technology in general. In 1995, specializations or scientific concentrations managed by organizational units were developed and called departments. Since then, Agricultural Produce Technology (THP) Section, Agricultural Industry Technology (TIP) Section and Agricultural Engineering (TEP) Section. Based on the result of evaluation by Directorate General of Higher Education, THP was changed into THP Study Program (PS.) by the Decree of Director General of Higher Education No:231/DIKTI/Kep/1996 dated 11 July 1996, TIP was changed into TIP PS. by the Decree of Director General of Higher Education No:3956/D/T/2001 dated 28 December 2001 and TEP was changed into TEP PS. by the Decree of Director General of Higher Education No:2049/D/T/2004 dated 11 June 2004.
Thanks to the success in managing education program, hard work of the academic community of PSTP and based on feasibility evaluation to the qualification of the graduates, managers’ resources, existing facilities and infrastructures, funding ability and mastery of tested academic management skills, with the direction and approval of Directorate General of Higher Education (Ditjen DIKTI), Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP) was established based on the Decree of Rector of Udayana University dated 7 October 2004 No.271.A/J14/PR.01.10/2004.
Since 2004 FTP has become one of 12 faculties in Udayana University. The establishment of this faculty was followed by the change of Sections into Departments with Decree of Rector No.: 160/J14/KP.02.18/2005 dated 15 June 2005. Therefore there were 3 Departments under Faculty of Agricultural Technology, which are Department of Agricultural Produce Technology, Department of Agricultural Engineering, and Department of Agricultural Industry Technology. Lastly Agricultural Produce Technology PS. (PSTHP) was changed into Food Science and Technology PS. (PSITP) by Decree of Rector No. 16/H14/PR/2009, dated 8 January 2009. Therefore, Department of THP was also changed into Department of ITP.
Vision FTP - Unud forward is to make FTP - Udayana University as a center of excellence in education, research and community service in the field of agricultural technology and capable of producing superior graduates, independent and cultured, have the academic ability and skills in a professional, responsive to change, the spirit of democracy , creative and innovative so that they can compete at national and international levels.
Mission FTP - Unud are:
- Creating a climate conducive academic;
- Continuously improve the quality of learning systems in FTP - Unud;
- Continuously improve the professional capabilities of staff lecturers in the fields of education, research, and community service;
- Facilitate and broadest opportunities for students perform creativity in the field of agricultural technology;
- Establish a harmonious relationship with the industries that bergerak in the field of agricultural technology, and government agencies and other private sector;
- Establish relationships with universities and research institutes at home and abroad.

Jabatan : Kepala Jurusan/Program Studi
NIP : -
Nama Pejabat : Ir. Sri Mulyani, M.P.
Periode Awal : 0000-00-00
Periode Akhir : 0000-00-00
Website :

Jabatan : Sekretaris Jurusan/Program Studi
NIP : -
Nama Pejabat : I Wayan Arnata, S.TP., M.Si.
Periode Awal : 0000-00-00
Periode Akhir : 0000-00-00
Website :
Address : Kampus Unud Bukit Jimbaran, Badung 80361, Bali
Telephone : 0361 - 701801 or 0361- 701803
Email : ftp@unud.ac.id
Website : https://tip.unud.ac.id/