The forerunner of the formation of Agricultural Engineering Study Program (PS.TEP) in Udayana University has gone through a series of long journey. The formation of this study program is the expansion result of Agricultural Technology Study Program (PS.TP) that previously had been established in Udayana University in 1984. Within a decade, the development of science and knowledge in the agricultural technology field, both at national and international levels apparently run very rapidly.
In order to respond to these positive developments, since 1995, the refinement has been conducted in the learning for the students of PS.TP, by providing three options of scientific sections, i.e. Agricultural Product Technology Section (THP), Agricultural Industry Technology Section (TIP), and Agricultural Engineering Section (TEP). A year later, in 1996, Udayana University was authorized by the Higher Education to open new a study program, namely Agricultural Product Technology Study Program (PS.THP), in order to facilitate the learning development which originally was managed by the Section. Five years later, in 2001, in line with the growing interest of high school graduates, especially in Bali Province for opportunities attending higher education in the agricultural technology field, Udayana University was reauthorized to open new a program study, namely Agricultural Industrial Technology Study Program (PS.TIP) to facilitate the learning development, managed by the Section. The commitment and supports of university leaders in Udayana University for the development of professionalism and skills in agricultural technology field was even more realistic. A number of grants were awarded, both in the form of quality improvement of the teaching staffs and educators resources, and in the form of learning facilities and infrastructure provision. In line with such positive developments, three years later, in 2004, Udayana University was reauthorized by the Higher Education to open new study program, namely Agricultural Engineering Study Program (PS.TEP), in order to facilitate the learning development which originally was managed by the Section.
Upon the formation of the three study programs at Udayana University which facilitate the learning of agricultural technology science, in 2004, a new faculty was incorporated, namely Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP), by Rector’s Decree No.271.A/J.14/PR.01.10/2004, dated October 7, 2004. The incorporation of this faculty, in 2005, was also followed by the incorporation of three departments, i.e. Agricultural Product Technology Department, Agricultural Industry Technology Department, and Agricultural Engineering Department.
Agricultural Engineering Study Program (PS.TEP), for the first time, began to accept new students since 2005. In the process, the number of applicants is gradually increasing to compete for the capacity which is only available for a maximum of 50 (fifty) new students each year. Similarly, the graduates generated can be absorbed in various sectors of employment, even some of them have become successful entrepreneurs. In its journey, the achievement of education quality, organized by Agricultural Engineering Study Program is included good, which is reflected by the achievement of accreditation by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) with the Grade B (Score of 318) for the period of 2009-2013, and subsequently, it remains at Grade B (Score of 338), for the period of 2014-2019.
The curriculum used as guidelines for the implementation of learning activities is prepared based on the standards as agreed by Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) in Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering, and is certainly inseparable from the standards required by the National Standards for Higher Education (SNPT) for the level of academic undergraduate education (S-1). The implementation of higher education in Agricultural Engineering Study Program, Udayana University is expected to have tangible roles in national development and the world, especially in providing solutions for two strategic issues, i.e. the strategic issues related to food independency, and strategic issues related to the preservation of natural resources and the environment. The scientific vision is to develop science and technology, related to sustainable agricultural system, and precision agricultural system.
Vision :
Becoming an excellent, independent and cultured study program in providing Three Pillars of University services in agricultural engineering field.
Mission :
- Conducting transparent and accountable management and governance system of the study program.
- Refining curriculum and learning process in accordance with the development of science and technology and the needs of stakeholders/ users of the graduates.
- Improving the professionalism of educators in accordance with the roadmap of scientific study program.
- Improving academic and non-academic service quality.
- Establishing partnerships with stakeholders.

Jabatan : Kepala Jurusan/Program Studi
NIP : -
Nama Pejabat : Dr.Ir. I Wayan Widia, MSIE
Periode Awal : 0000-00-00
Periode Akhir : 0000-00-00
Website :

Jabatan : Sekretaris Jurusan/Program Studi
NIP : -
Nama Pejabat : Ni Luh Yulianti, S.TP, M.Si
Periode Awal : 0000-00-00
Periode Akhir : 0000-00-00
Website :
Address : Kampus Bukit Jimbaran, Badung, Bali 80364
Telephone : 0361-701801
Email : tep_ftp.Unud.ac.id
Website : https://tep.unud.ac.id/