Surgical services in Bali Province have been existed since the Dutch and Japanese colonial era. Since the independence era up to the incorporation of Sanglah Cental General Hospital, the surgical services have not been provided professionally by experts. However, the communities in Bali have received surgical services in accordance with the abilities of the existing facilities and human resources as well as the proponents and supporting activities of the surgeries at which time.
Since the incorporation of Sanglah Central General Hospital in 1957, the Department of Surgery has officially provided surgical services in accordance with the existing capabilities then.
Surgical services at which time was performed by Dr. Mohamad Angsar, a Surgeon who had experiences in performing surgeries, thus possessing authority to perform the surgery and was positioned as the chief of surgery at Sanglah Central General Hospital, Denpasar.
Until then, surgical services in Bali Province were only available in Sanglah Central General Hospital Denpasar, while in other District General Hospitals in Bali, surgical services were unavailable yet, thereby all cases of emergency and planned surgeries were sent and referred to Sanglah Central General Hospital.
Surgical services in Sanglah Central General Hospital was initiated with outpatient services, located at Surgical Clinic, while the emergency services were performed in Operating Theater, located in hospital adjacent to the operating theater which also functioned as an emergency operating room. It was planned to have three operating theaters only. There was only one Mixed Class III Treatment Room available for surgical patients, and several Rooms I and II (Ward A).
At that point, the surgery was performed by Dr. M. Angsar, assisted by several nurses as assistants, instruments or anesthetist nurses, both for emergency and planned surgical services. Once, he got retired, the surgery services were later served by Dr. Yasid Mansudi as a surgeon, assisted by the (deceased) Dr. Otong Wirawan as an assistant before achieving his expertise. Later on, Dr. Otong Wirawan continued studies in Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University/ Dr Sutomo Surabaya General Hospital. Dr I Nengah Dwi Sutanegara later enrolled as an assistant, however, it was stopped because he got out of the Surgery Section. Dr Yasid M was replaced by Dr. Syahrudin as surgeon of Sanglah Central General Hospital, Furthermore, after Dr. Otong W graduated as surgeon, Dr. Syahrudin moved out. At the same time, Dr. I Ketut Buda, Dr. I Nyoman Arhya, Dr. IGM. Rai Yodjana enrolled as assistants to provide surgical services. And Dr. Arhya moved to other section, while Dr. I Ketut Buddha has the status as a faculty staff of Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University.
In 1962, the Faculty of Medicine at Udayana University was incorporated, thus Sanglah Central General Hospital became an educational site for clinic physicians called Co-Assistants (Co-as). At the moment, the surgical services at Sanglah Central General Hospital became a part of surgical science at Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University/ Sanglah Central General Hospital with Chairman Dr. Otong Wirawan, with the task of providing surgical services, education and research serving as the Three Pillars of University.
After Dr. I Ketut Budha and Dr. IGM. Rai Yodjana graduated from surgical education in Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University/ Dr. Sutomo Local General Hospital Surabaya, the surgical services with the based in Sanglah Central General Hospital were served by 3 surgeons. Furthermore, surgical services in Sanglah Central General Hospital was assisted by two assistants, i.e. Dr. Bowolaksono, Dr. IB Tjakra Manuaba. Then, to complete the surgical service activities in the Department of Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University/ Sanglah Central General Hospital, (late) Dr. I Ketut Nukarna enrolled via orthopedic surgeon teaching staff.
The surgical service was also then developed in Military Hospital with Dr. Otong Wirawan serving as a part-time surgeon, while surgical services in private hospitals were begun in 1976, until then, other private hospitals began to emerge. Meanwhile, surgery services at the District Hospitals were begun with the surgeons in Singaraja Hospital, Dr. Adam Sujudi, who was later replaced by Dr. Rochadi. Up to present day, surgical services in the District General Hospitals have been performed by surgeons, except for Bangli and Karangasem District Hospitals. Their services were still provided by the Residents of Medical Specialist Study Program participants from Surgical Science of Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University/ Sanglah Central General Hospital. Surgical services are also performed in Regional Police Hospital with surgeon (late) Dr. IB. Jungutan.
The surgical service in Sanglah Hospital up to present day has been providing sub-specialist services for emergency and planned (elective) surgical service patients.
Creating Educational Institution of General Surgery Specialists as independent, excellent and cultured educational center that can compete at the national, regional and international levels by 2017.
- Carrying The Three Pillars of University; that is qualified, excellent, independent and having personalities in the field of general surgery and is able to compete at the global level.
- Organizing General Surgery Education, supported by the development of human resources having qualified personalities, abilities and skills, and is supported by other adequate facilities
- Organizing of General Surgery Education, supported by teamwork, work ethic and maintaining good relations with institutions at all times, both internationally or domestically.
- Organizing General Surgery Education which always maintains Total Quality Management, the renewal of science and technology in a sustainable manner by prioritizing humanitarian principles.

Jabatan : Sekretaris Jurusan/Program Studi
NIP : 197506212003121002
Nama Pejabat : dr. Putu Anda Tusta Adiputra, Sp.B(K)Onk
Periode Awal : 2014-01-01
Periode Akhir : 2017-12-31
Website :

Jabatan : Kepala Jurusan/Program Studi
NIP : 196006211987101001
Nama Pejabat : dr. I Ketut Wiargitha, Sp.B(K) Trauma
Periode Awal : 2014-01-01
Periode Akhir : 2017-12-31
Website :
Address : Jl. Kesehatan No. 1 Denpasar
Telephone : 0361 - 257482
Email : kpsbdh_unud@yahoo.com
Website : https://bedah.unud.ac.id/