Study Program Website

Vision and Mission of Information Technology

A. The Vision of Information Technology Department

Becoming is excellent, prominent and cultured Information Technology Study Program. Independent means the human resources yielded master high competence, competitiveness, and wisdom. In the development of information science and technology, it should be focused on Smart System and Application and Internet Mobile Platform. Strong personality and abilities to interact with information technology developing rapidly and dynamically should also be mastered. Prominent means well-known in the community, whether locally, nationally and internationally, and is advanced in the application of information technology for automation system of the management of the study program. Cultured means the human resources generated have the sensitivity and the sharpness of conscience, capable of upholding and taking advantage of the noble values of local culture which is universal in their interaction in the community and capable of giving information technology touch to Balinese culture.

B. The Missions of Information Technology Department

  1. Organizing qualified higher education to create excellent graduates and are noble in characters.
  2. Conducting research and community services with a high degree of usefulness for the community and industry.
  3. Creating IT Study Program as one of the barometers in the development of IT in the industry, government and society.

Based on the Vision and Missions of Information Technology Study Program, the objectives that should be achieved are:

  1. Yielding Bachelor of Information Technology with high quality and meeting the needs of the community as users of the graduates.
  2. Yielding Bachelor of Information Technology capable of adapting to the latest technological developments with an emphasis on the aspect of critical and innovative thinking.
  3. Producing research in the field of Information Technology which has strategic value and contributes to industry and the community.
  4. Having effective, efficient and professional organizational management system, supported by a reliable information technology.
  5. Creating Information Technology Study Program at Udayana University as a development tool of professionalism, entrepreneurship, characterization, and culture.
  6. Becoming a widely known study program and taking parts in the national and international levels.


Jabatan : Kepala Jurusan/Program Studi

NIP : 197504232003121002

Nama Pejabat : Dr. Eng I Putu Agung Bayupati,ST.,MT

Periode Awal : 2015-04-30

Periode Akhir : 2019-04-30

Website :


Jabatan : Sekretaris Jurusan/Program Studi

NIP : 197904172008121002

Nama Pejabat : Putu Wira Buana,S.Kom.,MT

Periode Awal : 2015-04-30

Periode Akhir : 2019-04-30

Website :

Faculty Name : Information Technology
Address : Gedung Teknologi Informasi, Kampus Bukit Jimbaran – Bali
Telephone : 085102853533
Email :
Website :