- Operating License: Decree of Director General for Higher Education, dated September 28, 2006 No. 3745/D/T/ 2006, on the operating license of Medical Specialist Study Program, Anesthesiology and Reanimation (Sp) at Udayana University. It has been renewed by decree No. 1591/ D/ T/ K-N/ 2009, dated March 25, 2009, and renewed by the Number: 12430/ D/ T/K-N/ 2012
- The Study Program was Accredited by: Indonesian Collegium of Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy with Number: 133/ KATI/ Kep/ V/ 2012 with Grade B
Creating Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Study Program as a medical education institution that is able to yield excellent, independent, and cultured graduates as well as having competitiveness in the national and international level.
- Improving the capacity and quality of human resources having academic and professional capabilities that are always competitive and are capable of anticipating all sorts of changes.
- Providing human resources having capabilities to implement, develop and disseminate science and technology and using it to support the discipline/ other related disciplines, for the improvement of the lives of the community.
- Developing the science and technology having anticipative and adaptive power, thus can be implemented effectively and efficiently.
- Spreading knowledge and technology related to the development and the community social condition to improve their welfare.
- Making efforts constantly to provide health services to the public in general, and Anesthesia Analgesia as well as Intensive Therapy services in particular which is comprehensive in nature.

Jabatan : Koordinator Program Studi
NIP : 19540504 198103100
Nama Pejabat : Prof. Dr. dr. Made Wiryana, Sp.An, KIC, KAO
Periode Awal : 2014-02-14
Periode Akhir : 2018-02-14
Website :

Jabatan : Sekretaris Jurusan/Program Studi
NIP : 19720201 200801101
Nama Pejabat : dr. I Made Gede Widnyana,SpAn.MKes.KAR
Periode Awal : 2014-02-14
Periode Akhir : 2018-02-14
Website :

Jabatan : Kepala Jurusan/Program Studi
NIP : 197301232008011006
Nama Pejabat : Prof.Dr.dr. Tjokorda Gde Agung Senapathi ,Sp.An-TI, Subsp. An.R. (K)
Periode Awal : 2022-01-19
Periode Akhir : 2026-01-19
Website :
Address : Jl. Kesehatan No. 1, Denpasar
Telephone : 0361 - 257361
Email : anestesi_unud@yahoo.co.id
Website : https://anestesi.unud.ac.id/