The Specialist Doctor Education Program I of the Faculty of Medicine at Udayana University (hereinafter referred to as PPDS-I FK Unud)/Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar has started since 1992 following the issuance of the Decrees of the Directorate General of Higher Education Number: 46/Depkes/Kep/1991 and Number: 50/Depkes/Kep/1991 dated 24 July 1991. Since then, FK Unud officially starts conducting the Specialist Doctor Education Program and is allow to open registration of the participants of the Specialist Doctor Education Program. PPDS-I FK Unud was initiated by the Study Program of Pediatrics and Surgical Sciences of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University. Later, PPDS-I FK Unud managed to attract the interest of a great number of participants and developed other study programs such as Obstetrics and Gynecology, Internal Medicine, Psychiatry and Otolaryngology.
Recently, new study programs have also been established, namely Anatomical Pathology, Dermatology and Venereology, Neurology, Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Ophthalmology, Cardiology and Orthopaedics.
As of July 2011, there were 10 (ten) study programs that had held full PPDS I, namely: Pediatrics, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, Otolaryngology, Anatomical Pathology, Dermatology and Venereology, Neurology and Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Ophthalmology, Cardiology, and Orthopaedics.
Other study programs to execute PPDS I will be established later pursuant to the dynamics of the rapidly growing medical science and technology.
PPDS-I FK Unud/Sanglah Hospital began with a visit of two experts who visited the Department/ Functional Service Unit of Psychiatry of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University/ Wangaya Hospital, Denpasar in 1982, they were: Dr. Jan Prasetyo, SpKJ (the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Indonesia) and Dr. Makmuri Muchlas, SpKJ (the Faculty of Medicine of Gadjah Mada University). They were welcomed by Dr. I Gusti Putu Panteri, SpKJ (Head of the Department) and the staff at the Department/ Functional Service Unit of Psychiatry of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University/ Wangaya Hospital, Denpasar. The discussion of the issue on the feasibility to do a preliminary study at the Psychiatry Department of the Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University followed by the finishing touch program at the Department/ Functional Service Unit of Psychiatry of the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University/ Dr. Sutomo Hospital, Surabaya.
The next visit was from the Study Program Chairperson of the Department/ Functional Service Unit of Psychiatry of the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University/ Dr. Sutomo Hospital, Surabaya namely: Dr. H. Mawardi, SpKJ and Dr Ivat Handoko Daeng Bonapentura (staff). They were welcomed by the Head of the Psychiatry Department, i.e. Prof. DR. Dr. L K Suryani, SpKJ, and the staff. They discussed further about conducting a preliminary study and the finishing touch program at the Psychiatry Department of the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University/ Dr. Sutomo Hospital, Surabaya. It led to the issuance of the approval given by the Head of the Department/ Functional Service Unit of Psychiatry of the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University/ Dr. Sutomo Hospital, Surabaya Number: 013/PTO 3.2/PSIK/I/1994 dated 17 January 1994 concerning the Preliminary Study of the Specialist Doctor Education Program I at the Psychiatry Department of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University/ Wangaya Hospital, Denpasar and was followed by the finishing touch at the Psychiatry Department of the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University /Dr. Sutomo Hospital, Surabaya signed by: Dr. Endang Warsiki, SpKJ (the Head of the Department/ Functional Service Unit of Psychiatry of the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University/ Dr. Sutomo Hospital, Surabaya) and Dr. Mawardi, SpKJ (the Chairperson of the Psychiatry Study Program at the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University).
Finally, the team of visitors made a visit on 11 - 13 September 1997 to the Department/ SMF of Psychiatry of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University/ Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar. At that time, the Secretariat Office of the Psychiatry Department was at the Nusa Indah Building of the Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar. The team of the central office that made a visit consisted of: Prof. Prof. Dr. R Daldiri Mangundiwirjo, SpKJ (the Faculty of Medicine of Airlangga University), Prof DR. Dr. H A Prayitno, SpKJ(K) (the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Indonesia), dan DR. Dr. H Soemarno, SpKJ (the Faculty of Medicine of Gadjah Mada University). At that time, the position of the Department/ SMF of Psychiatry of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University/ Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar was occupied by Prof. Prof. DR. Dr. Luh Ketut Suryani, SpKJ. The visitation resulted in the issuance of the Decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education on the Establishment of The Specialist Doctor Education Program I in Psychiatry Number: 98/DIKTI/Kep/1998 dated 27 March 1998 signed by Dra. Merry L Panjaitan (the Head of the Governance Department, Secretariat of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Department of Education and Cultural, Republic of Indonesia).
Since its inception, the Psychiatry Study Program has undergone several changes in terms of its chairperson and secretary, namely:
Prior to 1998: the Chairperson/the Head of the Department: Prof. DR.dr. L.K.Suryani SpKJ(K) and the Secretary: dr Wayan Westa SpKJ (K)
1998: The Meeting attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (Prof DR. dr Ketut Sukardika SpMK), Prof dr Elias Sukardi, Prof DR. dr. Ketut Suryani SpKJ (K), dr Wayan Westa SpKJ (K), and Prof DR. dr Tjokorde Alit Kamar Adnyana SpFK decided that the position of the Chairperson of the Study Program and the Department Head should be occupied by different individuals and thus it was decided that the position of the Chairperson of the Study Program was occupied by Dr Wayan Westa SpKJ (K).
2003: the Chairperson of the Study Program: dr Nyoman Hanati SpKJ (K)
2006: the Chairperson of the Study Program: dr Nyoman Hanati SpKJ (K)
the Secretary of the Study Program: dr Lely Setyawati SpKJ (K)
2008: the Chairperson of the Study Program: dr. Nyoman Hanati SpKJ (K)
the Secretary of the Study Program: dr Wayan Westa SpKJ (K)
2012: the Chairperson of the Study Program: dr Wayan Westa SpKJ(K)
the Secretary of the Study Program: dr Luh Nyoman Alit Aryani SpKJ
2014-2018: the Chairperson of the Study Program: dr Wayan Westa SpKJ(K)
the Secretary of the Study Program: dr Luh Nyoman Alit Aryani SpKJ
The following are the residents who were transferred and graduated:
- Dr. Made Nyandra (graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University in 1990)
- Dr. AAA Indriany, SpKJ (graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University in 1990)
- Dr. IGN Sastradi (Completed the NBE Test at the Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University in 1995)
- Dr. IDG Basudewa (Completed the NBE Test at the Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University in 1995)
- Dr. AA Sri Wahyuni (Completed the NBE Test at the Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University in 1995)
- Dr. DAP Sintha Widari (Completed the NBE Test at the Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University in 1995)
- Dr. AA Putra Wibawa (Completed the NBE Test at the Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University in 1995)
- Dr. Made Oka Sumadi (Completed the NBE Test at the Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University in 1995)
- Dr. Amir (Completed the NBE Test at the Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University in 1995)
- Dr. Joice Inneke Salia (quit)
- Dr. Alvina Manangsang (transferred to and graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Airlangga University in 2012).
- Dr. Ida Ayu Kusuma Wardani (transferred to and graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Airlangga University in 2008)
- Dr. Meggy Kaunang (quit)
- Dr. Cokorde Bagus Jaya Lesmana (Completed the NBE Test at the Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University in 1995)
- Dr. Ni Ketut Putri Ariani, Dr. Pande Sura Oka, Dr. Ni Ketut Sri Diniari (Graduated in October 2010)
- Dr. Luh Nyoman Alit Aryani (Graduated in June 2011)
- Dr. Putu Asih Primatanti (Graduated in February 2012)
- Dr. Bagus Surya Kusuma Dewa dan Dr. Salikur Kartono (Graduated in December 2013)
- Dr. Gusti Rai Putra Wiguna (Graduated in April 2014)
- Dr. Vivi Swayami, Dr. Nyoman Sumiati, Dr Komang Triana Arya Diputra (Graduated in October 2014)
- Dr. Putu Agus Grantika, Dr. Putu Dewi Pradnyawati, Dr. Made Wedastra, Dr. Gabriella Tantular (Graduated in April 2015)
Note: Currently, there are a total of 23 residents graduated from the Specialist Doctor Education Program I in Psychiatry
To make PPDS-I Psikiatri FK UNUD a medical education institution that is capable of generating superior, independent, professional and cultured graduates with competitiveness at the national and international levels by the year of 2020.
Based on the above vision, the terms superior, independent, professional and cultural are defined as follows.
- Superior: human resources with a high level of competencies and competitiveness that are thoughtful in an attempt to develop knowledge they have to enhance the dignity of the nation and humanity in general (cakra widya prawartana).
- Independent: human resources with a strong personality and ability to interact with their dynamically evolving environment.
- Professional: human resources that are capable of providing services in accordance with the competence and standard operating procedures in the field of psychiatric illnesses.
- Cultured: human resources with sensitivity and sharpness of conscience and the ability to utilize the noble values of local culture that are universal in nature to interact with society.
General Missions
To make PPDS-I Psikiatri FK UNUD a study program that implements the Three Pillars of Higher Education based on the development of science and technology as well as cultural values.
Special Missions
- To encourage activities in education, research, and community service at the national and international levels based on high culture, morality, and integrity in accordance with the demand of society.
- To establish an independent and professional study program in relation to the institutional management and development with good corporate governance.

Jabatan : Kepala Jurusan/Program Studi
NIP : -
Nama Pejabat : Dr. Wayan Westa, SpKJ(K)
Periode Awal : 0000-00-00
Periode Akhir : 0000-00-00
Website :

Jabatan : Sekretaris Jurusan/Program Studi
NIP : -
Nama Pejabat : Dr. Luh Nyoman Alit Aryani, SpKJ
Periode Awal : 0000-00-00
Periode Akhir : 0000-00-00
Website :
Address : Klinik NAPZA, Bagian/SMF Psikiatri Fakultas Kedokteran UNUD/ RSUP Sanglah Denpasar , Jl Diponegoro D
Telephone : 0361 - 228824 & 0361 - 233858
Email :
Website :