Orthopedics and Traumatology Study Program of Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University / Sanglah Public Hospital of Denpasar was founded in March 13th, 2008 according to the Decree about the Operation License of New Study Program of Udayana University Number: 851/D/T/2008. The Orthopedics and Traumatology Study Program of Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University had been accredited by the Accreditation Team of Orthopedics and Traumatology Collegiums of Indonesia with an A-grade according to the Decree Number: 294/Skep Koleg-IOT/AKR/III/2012. It will be valid for 5 years until January 27th, 2017.
Vision :
Realizing the Orthopedics and Traumatology Educational Institution as the central institution of education, service and research which is independent, excellent, and cultured to be able to compete in the national, regional, and international levels and to develop the human resources, facilities, and infrastructures based on the plan and direction in 2015.
Missions :
- To improve the education quality of Orthopedics and Traumatology which is oriented on improving the educational atmosphere, internal management, efficiency, relevancy, and sustainable productivity.
- To operate and develop the Orthopedics and Traumatology Study Program in which the quality is continuously improved and supported by the research development based on the needs of the stakeholders so that the alumni will be able to carry the medical services with the standard of profession based on the development of International Medical Science and Technology.
- To operate and develop the organization and management which are oriented on the quality, autonomy, accountability, and are optimally, effectively, and efficiently accredited through the quality improvement of the management and organization.
- To improve the independency in managing and developing the Orthopedics & Traumatology Study Program.
Jabatan : Kepala Jurusan/Program Studi
NIP : 194809091979031002
Nama Pejabat : Prof. DR. Dr. I Ketut Siki K, Sp.B, Sp.OT (K)
Periode Awal : 2014-01-01
Periode Akhir : 2017-04-23
Website :

Jabatan : Sekretaris Jurusan/Program Studi
NIP : 197610162008121002
Nama Pejabat : dr. I Gd. Eka Wiratnaya, SpOT
Periode Awal : 2014-02-14
Periode Akhir : 2018-12-31
Website :
Address : Jalan Kesehatan No. 1 Denpasar
Telephone : 0361 - 244330
Email : orthopaedibali@yahoo.co.id
Website : https://orthopedi.unud.ac.id/