Dental Education Study Program Faculty of Medicine, University of Udayana was established in accordance with the Higher Education Decree No. 199 / E / O /2013 dated on May 21 2013 set forth in Jakarta. Currently dental education study program (PSPDG) already has two generations. The first generation students with a number of 54 students, and are now stepping in to the second year (semester III). In the academic year 2014/2015 PSPDG accepts new students (second generation) with a number of 51 people.
Dental Education Study Program is under faculty of medicine of Udayana with the number of teachers as many as 10 people and four administrative staff members. PSPDG currently only has 1 room of secretariat located at the faculty of medicine, 2 lecture halls which are in skillab floor 1 and 3, 1 room skillab lecturer at the 2nd floor, 1 room lab skillab located on the 4th floor and the candidate of the Hospital in Sanglah Hospital, Limitation of infrastructure that exists today in supporting the educational success of a dentist, thus requiring discussion and follow-up immediately given in the second year it would require a complete practical means and the third year it requires RSGM. Time runs quickly that we have to think about this plan until with the final stage of education.
In accordance with discussion held by the rector of Udayana University with the dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the migration plan of PSPDG to the campus of bukit then PSPDG has prepared to make proposals as a follow-up meeting.
- Date of establishment :on May 21 2013
- Certificate of Study Program Implementation: SK Dikti no. 199/E/O/2013
- Date of Certificate Implementation: on May 21 2013
- Certificate of Accreditation and Grade: -
- Accredication Validity : -
Vision which has been set forth by the Dental Education Study Program of FK Udayana University is a dental education institution that is able to produce graduates who excel, independent and cultured and have competitiveness both nationally and internationally in 2023.
General Mission
Empowering Dental Study Program of FK UNUD as a university that carries out the Tri Dharma Higher Education based on the development of science and technology cultural value
Specific Mission
- Relevance guarantee, Academic atmosphere, Internal management, Sustainability, Efficiencies (RAISE) education through the implementation of Dentistry competency-based education to generates manpower in Dentist professionals, has specific advantages and competitive in managing the health sector, particularly the field of oral health.
- Generate Dentist employments who are able to work together in teams with other professions related to both national and international, to implement health care, especially dental, and oral health in order to restore the stomatognathic system in order to improve community health care.
- Develop research and community service to meet the needs of stakeholders and the development and application of science and technology of dentistry.
- Mobilizing and directing the potential that exists to effectively and efficiently to achieve quality management and professional organizations, open and competitive.
- Developing and maintaining campus atmosphere that is conducive to academic society to produce optimal performance.

Jabatan : Kepala Jurusan/Program Studi
NIP : -
Nama Pejabat : Dr.dr. I Dewa Made Sukrama, Msi, Sp.MK(K)
Periode Awal : 0000-00-00
Periode Akhir : 0000-00-00
Website :
Address : Jalan PB Sudirman Denpasar
Telephone : 0361 - 222510 ext. 204
Email : fkunud@indosat.net.id. fk.unud.ac.id
Website : https://doktergigi.unud.ac.id/