LPPM Unud Actively Implements Community Empowerment in the Development of Innovation-Based Tourism Villages and Creative Economy

In the framework of the 59th anniversary of Udayana University, LPPM Unud held community service in Tampaksiring Village, Gianyar, Wednesday (22/9/2021), with the theme "Community Empowerment in Development of Tourism Villages Based on Innovation and Creative Economy".

The implementation of this activity aims to empower the Tampaksiring village community in developing a tourism village based on innovation and creative economy. There were three activities carried out including: Assistance in Drafting Village Regulations by Dr. Ni Luh Gede Astariyani., SH., MH and team, Tourism Village Education/training for Tourism Awareness Groups (pokdarwis) by Dr. Ni Ketut Arismayanti., SST.Par., M.Par. and team, Handling of Food Products (packaging of processed household products) by Dr. Ir. Luh Putu Wrasiati, MP. and team, and Animal Health Services by Drh. I Wayan Nico Fajar Gunawan, M.Si and team.

Present at this service event, the Head of LPPM Unud, Prof. Dr. dr. I Nyoman Suarsana, MSi., Secretary of LPPM Unud, Ni Made Ary Esta Dewi Wirastuti, PhD., Head of Headquarters/Kaling, BPD, Pokdarwis, Bumdes, Simantri, Rempeyek Food Processor. In his remarks, the Chairman of LPPM, Prof. Dr. dr. I Nyoman Suarsana, MSi., said that LPPM carries out 2 tasks from the 3 Tridarma PT fields, namely research and community service. According to its main function, this service is very appropriate because it is in accordance with the potential of the village as a tourist village.

The development of innovation-based tourism villages is a necessity that can bring change for the better. New design or innovation is a process or result of developing the use of knowledge, skills and experience to create or improve new products, processes, or systems, which provide significant value to the products produced so that they have economic value for welfare. Innovative products such as carvings, souvenirs, knitting yarn, culinary products will have a competitive edge, become an attraction, as souvenirs for tourists who come to Bali, especially to Tampak Siring.