Sociology student association, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Udayana University, held a workshop on Sunday (30/04). The workshop was intended for the participants of the contest, as a preparation for photo contest in May. This first workshop was held in Bhineka room, Agrokompleks Building, Udayana Sudirman Campus.

The speakers on this occasion were: Mas Erik, a journalist and writer; Agus Eka Kusuma Putra, a photographer; and Gde Kamajaya, an activist of Sanglah Institute and also as a lecturer in the sociology department.

All of these speakers were given approximately 30 minutes to describe the various materials that have been prepared. Mas Erik gave the material about journalism. Gus Eka gave the photographic techniques, and Gde kamajaya provided the material on Articles.

The chairman of the committee, Putu Reza, said that the workshop was held as a place for participants to add their supplies to photo contest on the upcoming May. The participants who follow the competition are junior high, high school / vocational throughout Bali. It is prestigious about this race, since there are even participants who from Java who want to register to follow the competition but rejected by the committee because of the too far access. (mimi)