The Students of Udayana University in Collaboration with FSLDK Bali Held Care Action for Aceh

The Students of Udayana University with Forum Silaturahmi Lembaga Dakwah Kampus in Bali Held Fundraising for Aceh at Jalan Raya PB. Sudirman

Denpasar – Monday (12/12), students in Forum Silaturahmi Lembaga Dakwah Kampus (FSLDK) Bali that is Forum Persatuan Mahasiswa Islam (FPMI) Unud with campus dakwah alliance from all universities in Bali, held fundraising at intersection on Jalan Raya PB. Sudirman. Around 60 fundraisers in FSLDK took to the street to hold fundraising to motorcycle and car drivers who had been through Jalan PB. Sudirman. Jalan PB. Sudirman is chosen as a gathering place because this is strategic area and there are many people who have been through this area, so it can make students easier to hold fundraising.

“This action is held as our solidarity to society in Aceh who are incurring disaster. Many people who would like to help, but they do not know where they should distribute. This action is one of the ways for people who would like to help to society in Aceh,” Muslim stated, a student of Faculty of Agriculture Unud when he is doing fundraising.

The Students of Udayana University with Students of Forum Silaturahmi Lembaga Dakwah Kampus Bali when Calculating the Results of Fundraising for Aceh

This action was held during 2 hours, starting from 4pm until 6 pm. This is the humanitarian action held to help society in Aceh who are incurring 6.5 magnitude earthquake disaster a few days ago. The effects of the earthquake are there are many buildings have collapsed and victims. After the action was held, the students of FSLDK gathered in Masjid Al-Furqon Sudirman to collect the results. The total amount of funds that has been collected is around 13 million rupiah. It will be distributed to Aceh through Post Keadilan Peduli Umat (PKPU) in Bali. (manik)