Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine of Udayana University in the Faculty of Medicine (FK Unud) was established on February 16, 2005 by the Decree of the Rector of Udayana University Number: 41 / J14 / PR.00.10 / 2005. Department Cardiology and Vascular Medicine of Udayana University of Medical Faculty (FK. Unud) This is the forerunner from the Division of Cardiology Department / SMF Medical Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University / Sanglah Hospital.
Then based on the Indonesia Association of Doctoral Specialist for Cardiovascular Colegiun Meeting Decision (PERKI) dated on February 18, 2006 set the Department of Cardiology FK of Udayana University, has been prepared as a Category 2 Centre for Education (PSK-2) / Patronage.
The enactment of the Charter of Cooperation between the Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine Faculty of Medicine, University of Airlangga (FK. UNAIR) with the Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine of Udayana University Medical Faculty (FK. Unud) on the date of: April 1, 2006 No. 017 / KARD / FK / IV / 2006, No. 058 / JO3.1.17 / STM / IV / 2006 on Medical Education Program Development Specialist (PPDS I) Cardiology and Vascular Medicine Faculty of Medicine, University of Udayana by the Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine Faculty Airlangga University as an institution of Trustees.
Department of Cardiology FK UNAIR as the Patron performed a visitation to the Department of Cardiology FK of UNUD on January 29, 2008. The visitation team consisted of: Prof. Dr. dr. Mohammad Yogiarto, SpJP (K), FIHA, Dr. dr. Soetomo, SpJP, FIHA, Prof. Dr. dr. Budi Susetyo Joewono, SpJP (K), FIHA.
On April 9 2007 accepted the first PPDS I participants in which the selection of acceptance conducted in the Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine Faculty of Medicine, University of Airlangga that carried out Introduction Education of Cardiology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Udayana. Then the second time was held on November 5, 2007 and the third was held on May 21, 2008, each of which as many as two (2) residents.
Education of cardiac doctor specialist and blood vessels in the Faculty of Medicine Udayana University has begun to accept students, which in the early stages was a registered participant in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Airlangga in Surabaya. The stage of its education will be conducted partly in Surabaya and Denpasar. For this such measures, it needs infrastructure and educational facilities that will spur the development of services at the same time simultaneously. In the near future, the end of 2008 it is expected that Department of Cardiology & Vascular Medicine has become the Center for the Study Category I (standalone). Currently Science Study Program of Cardiovascular Disease of Medical Faculty Udayana University has been accredited by the Collegium of Cardiology and Vascular Indonesia on March 11-12 2012 with an Accreditation grade of B.
Making Medical Education Program Specialist and Cardiovascular Medical Faculty Udayana University / Sanglah Hospital as a specialist educational institution for Cardiovascular, which have academic ability and high professional standards in accordance with regional and international measures, to uphold medical ethics in Indonesia.
To educate doctors to become cardiac disease expertise doctors who are:
- Have a responsibility in the practice of cardiovascular sciences
- Have a broad knowledge in the field and have sufficient skills to address the problem of heart disease and blood vessels
- Able to develop and implement services for heart disease in the environment
- Able to develop themselves to increase their knowledge and skills as cardiac disease specialists towards higher academic level in accordance with the progress of science and the demands of society,
- Able to plan, carry out education and research independently in order to better develop prevention of cardiovascular problems

Jabatan : Kepala Jurusan/Program Studi
NIP : -
Nama Pejabat : dr. I Nyoman Wiryawan, Sp.JP, FIHA, FAPSC
Periode Awal : 2018-01-18
Periode Akhir : 2022-01-18
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Address : Bag./SMF Kardiologi & Kedokteran Vaskular Gedung Pelayanan Jantung Terpadu, Lt. IV RSUP Sanglah
Telephone : 0361 - 257518
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