Accreditation A, The Increasing of Quality and Facility of Udayana University

(I Nyoman Suarsana is a lecturer of Faculty of Arts./ Dyah Cahyaningtyas is a student of Faculty of Economics and Business)

There is no the highest value than Accreditation A which is as a sweet gift in the early of 2017. However, the ways in order to maintain that value is a duty for Civitas Academica Udayana University.

"It is expected that every department has its own library or laboratory in order to do directly practice and technique which especially focused on facilities such as LCD in order to make teaching process comfortable", I Nyoman Suarsana M.Si stated.

Administration staff in the department and staff who is making an International Journal to the lecturers are needed. Furthermore, the increasing of scholarship for Magister lecturers is given for the regeneration lecturers in order to maintain accreditation.

"The increasing of educational quality is needed in order to create human with the best quality" Dyah Cahyaningtyas stated.

She also added that students have to maintain this accreditation by particapating in PKM and having many achievements as Udayana University's students. Congratulations for Udayana University because it has achieved Accreditation A. (manik)