Professional Interest in Wildlife Rothchildi Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University Held a Public Lecture



On April 16, 2022, the public lecture of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine for the Rothschildi Wildlife Profession was held at Udayana University. This activity is an annual mandatory activity organized by Professional Interest (PI) Rothschildi. This public lecture was attended by 34 participants consisting of chelonians and students as well as 18 committee members from Minpro Rothschildi themselves. The public lecture of FKH Minpro Rothschildi Udayana this time namely “Basic Skills of Avians Conservation and Necroption”. The reason for choosing this theme is to provide information to veterinary students about controlling bird populations in Indonesia through conservation, as well as to explain how important it is to preserve birds so that their populations are not threatened with extinction due to human activities that like to keep birds, hunt, trade and protect these birds in captivity. The speaker in this public lecture is drh. Dyah Ayu Risdasari Tiyar Noviarini as a veterinarian in Animal Rescue Center, Tabanan. She is an expert in this field.



The activity began with an opening, prayer, and welcome speech from the Chair of the Committee, Chair of PI Rothschildi, Chair of BEM, and PI Rothschildi Trustees as well as opening the event. The next event was the presentation of material on Basic Skills of Avian Conservation and Necropsy and continued with discussions and quizzes. After the presentation of the material followed by a necropsy. The necropsy is surgery on animal carcasses. In necropsy activities using quail. The necropsy activity was guided by drh. Dyah Ayu Risdasari Tiyar Noviarini who gave explanations and directions, followed by all participants who were divided into 6 groups. During necropsy, not only surgery is performed, but also identification of internal organs, parasites, and identification of quail pathology. Next, the public lecture was continued with discussions, quizzes, and announcements for the most active participants and ended with closing.




Hopefully this Public Lecture from the Rothschildi Professional Interest Ornithology Cluster can provide understanding and knowledge for Udayana University Veterinary Medicine students regarding bird population control, the importance of bird conservation, as well as knowing more about quail anatomy and pathology.