Sunday, 20 March 2022, FMIPA Udayana University held the theme "ABIRAMA DARMALAKSANA" which means aligning the ideals to do good to others for the sake of mutual prosperity. This community service which was held in Taro Village, Tegallalang, Gianyar Regency aims to empower the people of Taro Village in utilizing technology in both the tourism and education fields so that it is expected to be able to help improve the quality of human resources in Taro Village which in the end is expected to be able to improve the living standards of the residents of Taro village. As is known, Taro Village is one of the old villages in Bali with natural beauty and traditions that is still intact. Taro Village is also one of the Tourism Villages that received the title of Advanced Tourism Village by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. However, continuous learning both about tourism, tourism supporting technology, and education for the younger generation is certainly a must in this era of globalization. move very dynamically and run around. It is undeniable that today's society is very familiar with gadgets or smartphones, computers, and the internet, almost everyone we meet holds a gadget either not only for communication, entertainment, but there are still many things that can be done and optimized by this device.

The existence of the covid-19 pandemic has an impact on various aspects such as a decrease in tourist visits, an increase in the number of unemployed, as well as learning difficulties for elementary, middle, and high school children due to the implementation of online learning which incidentally is not familiar to most students, causing BEM FMIPA to see the need increase awareness of information technology in the implementation of online learning which is later expected to be able to provide the impact and benefits of improving the quality of human resources which leads to the effectiveness and efficiency of the learning process in schools and tourism.



In his speech, WD3 FMIPA Prof. Ni Nyoman Rupiasih, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D. conveyed that the pandemic era forced us to adapt in various aspects, especially in the field of information technology, Rupiasih thanked the head of Taro Village and Taro Village residents who were willing to accept FMIPA students in developing their concern for providing solutions to problems in the community, hopefully, what was conveyed later could provide practical solutions to problems in the field. Rupiasih also expressed his appreciation to the younger students who have been moved and concerned in contributing to community empowerment. Activities like this are really needed, students as the nation's next-generation are certainly the driving force for community development and empowerment.


Furthermore, the Head of Taro Village expressed his gratitude for the concern of UNUD MIPA students in answering problems that occurred in the community. Even though Taro Village is a tourist village that incidentally has often received trainings, the continuity of the training is very necessary not only during the pandemic but in other times as well. It is hoped that the use of social media for learning and tourism will be able to answer problems in the community and of course be able to increase the creativity of the Taro Village residents which leads to the Taro Village community being able to get out of the pandemic.

In Community Service which was carried out with strict procedures at Bale Wantilan, Pura Agung Gunung Raung, Taro Village  was attended by WD3, the Head of Taro Village, the community, Sekehe Truna-Truni (STT), and students. As speakers, BEM FMIPA UNUD invited volunteers from the SIC (student Innovation Center) ) from the Informatics study program to present material on the Use of Technology in Online Learning, and Mr. Ida Bagus Made Mahendra, S.Kom., M.Kom a lecturer in the informatics study program and also a practitioner in the field of information technology on Social Media Management.




The event which was also filled with interesting games ended with a group photo session.