Denpasar, LPM SS - Thursday, August 18, 2022, the first day of Udayana Veterinary Activities or commonly known as UVeA, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM), Udayana University has been held. The activity lasted for two days and was held on 18-19 August 2022. The event was held at the Ruang Nusantara Agrokompleks Building, Udayana University, Denpasar. The theme for the activity was "Get to Know About Your Passion in the Vet World Through 'UVeA'". The theme raised has its meaning, which invites new students to find out their passion so that it can be developed through activities that are carried out at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University.

This activity was carried out to provide more detailed information about the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, by reintroducing the senate and the minat profesi (interests and professions) here. With the hope that every new student can have the right choice in taking the senate they want and the interests they can develop at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University. This event is highly supported as it develops the potential of each student.

The first event was held as usual by a speech from the chairman of the committee, the head of the BEM, and the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, Prof. Dr. dr. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Si. The invitees and new students seemed focused on hearing the remarks given. Not to forget, the dean hit the gong which marked the opening of the UVea 2022 activity.


The next agenda is the presentation of the senate and Jegeg Bagus. The activity began with video, talk shows, and discussions. The first Senate to conduct a talk show was from LPM SS which was presented by the general leader and editor-in-chief, followed by DPM which was brought by the general chairman, and ended by the BEM which was presented by the chairman and his deputy. In this activity, the new students actively interacted with the speakers, they asked about things they wanted to know more about the three senates. At the end of the event, there was a performance from representatives of Jegeg Bagus FVM Unud to describe what Jegeg Bagus's activities were like.

The second day of UVeA activities at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, was filled with introductions to interest & profession (minat profesi) and interest & talent (minat bakat) in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Unud. As we know that at FVM Unud there are six minpro, each with a different focus. The six minpros include Minpro Vet Holic, Minpro Vesica, Minpro P-Lo, Minpro Suluh, Minpro Turtle Guard, and Minpro Rothschildi.

The first Minpro was from the Vet Holic Minpro which was delivered by I Wayan Gede Pasek and I Kadek Ari Satria Prayoga. In their presentation, it was explained that Vet Holic is a minpro that is involved in handling large livestock including cows, horses, and goats as well as poultry. In addition, minpro Vet Holic demonstrates cow handling techniques using a rope that consists of several knots. They also showed the proper way to inject cows.


Next, there was an introduction from Minpro Vesica, represented by M. Alpaini and I Gede Pandhe Krisnha Dharma. Minpro Vesica itself is the only minpro in FVM UNUD which focuses on the scientific field and the output of scientific writing in the form of PKM (Student Creativity Program). They also explained several work programs from Minpro Vesica, which included gatherings, public lectures, national seminars, PKTIM, and LKTIM, as well as workshops.

Then continued with Minpro P-LO which this time was explained by Angeline Amelinda Palit and Suta Arimbawa. It is explained here that Minpro P-LO is engaged in the field of pet dogs and cats. Many work programs have been carried out in this minpro including public lectures, P-LO Upgrading, seminars, collaborations, and the latest is a vet internship. This minpro is very suitable for students who may be interested in opening a health clinic for pets such as dogs and cats later.

The next minpro that engaged in counseling, Minpro Suluh. This introduction was presented by Ailsa Cinta Lufiara and Vidia Saraswati.They explained that there are many work programs or routine activities from Minpro Suluh, such as public lectures, national seminars, counseling training, as well as gatherings, and inauguration. This minpro is suitable for students who want to elevate their public speaking skills as well as increasing their knowledge about how to become good public instructor workers.

Minpro Turtle Guard was introduced by Nurul Audy Baiqhaq and Grace Yureka Aurel Siahaan. With a very cheerful demeanor, they explained about the minpro who works with animals in the aquatic. As the name suggests, this minpro does not only deal with turtles but also with various other aquatic animals such as dolphins. Minpro Turtle Guard activities includes TG OTG, coral day, turtle monitoring, public lectures, national seminars, and many more.

The activity was continued with isbama and also the Minpro Expo which was held in front of the Ruang Nusantara. In the expo, each minpro reintroduced the students about their minpro by showing the bones of various animals to showing snakes collection from one of the related minpro.


After isbama time is over, there is last minpro introduction session, which was Minpro Rothschildi. The presentation was by Adhitya Fauzan and Kadek Ayu Wiadnyani. Minpro Rothschildi focuses in wildlife where they are divided into seven clusters such as ornithology, herpetology, primates, omnivores, aquatics, herbivores, and carnivores. In this minpro, there are various work programs and activities that are routinely carried out including training, inauguration, public lectures, national seminars, herping, training on snake restraint and handling, necropsy and so on. Minpro Rothschildi also demonstrated practical sessions to students, namely snake handling techniques.

The UVeA activity on the second day was continued with the introduction of VEC and Vetro Voice. VEC itself is an abbreviation of Veterinary English Club which is a forum for FVM Unud students to improve their skills in English and expand their knowledge of international issues related to the veterinary world. Next is Vetro Voice, which is a choir group from FVM Unud, which often appears in various activities such as at the Judiciary for Bachelors and Masters in Veterinary Medicine, FAVA, IVMA CONGRESS 2018, and also the FVM Unud Anniversary event.

After being explained about minpro and minat bakat at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, the participants were directed by the committee to select minpro/minat bakat according to their respective interests. With the end of the minpro/minat bakat selection session, the 2022 Udayana University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UVeA activity ends.

This UVeA activity went quite smoothly with sufficient preparation. The enthusiasm of the participants was very supportive resulting to the smooth running of this activity. In the future, UVeA activity will continue to grow and get better so the new students can understand professional interests that match their passion. Hopefully, by holding this UVeA activity, it will be able to provide information to students, especially new students, about what activities are available at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University so that they can get to know more about this beloved magenta campus.

Authors: Stevanny and Wanda