BEM FMIPA carried out the Growth Class FMIPA 2022 Batch 1 activity where this was the latest program from BEM FMIPA Udayana with a bootcamp concept that took a theme around the world of graphic design with the title "Express Your Imagination and Realize with Design". This activity was held 4 times, namely on 4, 5, 12, and 20 June 2022 which took place at the GF Building Mathematics Study Program, UNUD Jimbaran Campus, attended by 36 active students of FMIPA Udayana University.


Graphic design is a communication process that uses visual elements, from typography to illustrations. The increasingly rapid digital age demands that every human being has the ability to quickly adapt, including students. Given that the industry is increasingly leading to the acceleration of technology, design skills are important to have. As a student who is printed to be able to adapt to the progress of this digital age, graphic design skills are something that every student must have to be able to compete in this digital era. In response to this, the Department of Communication, Information, and Technology BEM FMIPA Udayana University held a new work program, namely the Growth Class. Growth Class FMIPA 2022 Batch 1 presents a speaker, namely Dana Putra who is an active student of the Informatics study program at Udayana University batch 2019.


In this activity, participants received material about graphic design and focused more on the introduction and application of Figma. In this activity, participants are divided into several groups and each group is accompanied by a mentor who guides the participants in the running of the event. The pattern of delivering material was also carried out actively where the presenters explained about Figma and participants were also given the opportunity to practice it directly. Not only that, participants were also given assignments in groups as the application of the material that had been given.


With the implementation of this activity, it is hoped that students can improve their graphic design skills even more, and can increase the competitiveness and quality of students in this digital era.